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Woodlawn Bus Trip 2014


​Forty-one members of the Bucks County and Lehigh Valley Chapters of EGA and their friends climbed on the bus early on Thursday, March 27 for a 4 hour trip to Alexandria, VA to view the 51st Annual Needlework Exhibition.

​Upon arrival at Woodlawn we enjoyed a tasty lunch in the Tea Room as a group, before breaking away for free time to view the exhibit on our own.


​Each year stitchers from all over the country submit their needlework for judging and display in the exhibit. We were happy to learn that there were over 600 needlework items on display this year and two of our very own members received ribbons for their entries!


​After ample time to view the exhibit we headed back towards home, making a stop for some "must do" shopping at The Stitching Post and the Cloverhill Yarn Shop in Catonsville MD.


​Everyone had a great time, everything fell together like clockwork and we all came home with inspiration for new projects and many of the supplies for making them a reality.  Hopefully many of our members are now inspired to submit their treasures into next year's competition and exhibit!

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